Weekly Podcasts
Weekly Podcasts

About Us

Authors used to be alone...

How we started

Although the best job in the world, writing can be a lonely business.  So we, Paul A. Brooks and his old partner and friend JP Schoeffel have decided to change that.

Our vision is to create a platform for readers to find new authors, and for writers to talk, support, and create great books new readers will love. 

The Plot

For most authors, writing is the easy part. The difficulty comes when they try to find people to read their work. 

The Frustration

They waste time creating tons of content on social media hoping to attract readers and spend fortunes on agencies and ads that rarely live up to their hype.

The Revelation

The answer is to Connect Authors and Readers in a real sharing community without the costs that kill creativity and put people off.

The Happy Ending

And here we are. A platform that unites readers with authors A platform where authors can write and readers can enjoy some real PageTurnerz for free.



Paul A.Brooks

A content producer, and talented writer whose imagination and ideas never end. PageTurnerz is one of his big ones and he's got plans for it.

JP Schoeffel

A scientist, therapist, and tech genius who never quits when problems arise. There's always a solution. And he keeps Paul's feet on the ground!


You're part of the team. Whether you're an avid reader, an author, or just passing by, this community does not exist without you.

Have an idea? want to see something? would like to be on the podcast or join a giveaway event? Get in touch - We'd love to hear from you.

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